Friday, June 29, 2007

"Protecting Water Quality While Meeting Smart Growth Goals."

WEBCAST Announcement: Protecting Water Quality While Meeting Smart Growth Goals.
Come hear how two very different communities-San José, California and Barnstable, Massachusetts-Speakers worked to protect water quality while meeting smart growth goals for economic growth and development. Both communities will provide background and discuss the political, economic, and regulatory aspects of their program.

Webinar Speakers:
* Geoff Anderson, director, Development, Community and Environment Division, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (moderator)
* Laurel Prevetti, assistant director, Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement, San José, California
* Paul Niedzwiecki, assistant town manager, Barnstable, Massachusetts

This webcast is presented by ICMA with support from the US EPA.

Event Details:
July 25, 2007
2:00-3:30 pm Eastern

Development Resources Center(DRC) 1250 Market Street– Room 1A
(Refreshments will be provided)

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