Sunday, September 23, 2007

Kim Shinn will be available for a Q&A session at the DRC from 2pm-4pm following the CCIM seminar to discuss some of the things that are happening with other local governments and ways we can begin to incorporate green strategies in our own City government.
All USGBC members and City Officials are invited to attend.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


The Tennessee Valley Chapter of ASHRAE is hosting a lunch meeting that might be of interest to Architects, Engineers and building designers. You are invited to attend - Please RSVP.

What: Energy Policy Act (EPACT) Presented by Sam DeLay, PE, CEM, MBA, from TVA.
Design your building right and the federal government is giving tax deductions or tax credits of up to $1.80 per square foot. This measure should directly impact how you design lighting and HVAC systems. Offer your clients a direct payback and see what it does to your thinking and creativity.
When: October 3rd

Time: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Place: Chattanooga Choo Choo (Holiday Inn) -- Chrystal Room - (in the lobby)
Cost: No charge for meeting - Cost for lunch is $10 if you’re not on the meal plan. No charge for student meals.
RSVP: Call, email, or Fax response to Patricia King at 553-1618 for reservations or fax response to 510-1383 or email to

Friday, September 14, 2007

High Speed Rail Public Meeting

September 20, 2007
5:00pm - 7:30pm
Bicentennial Library

The Tennessee and Georgia Departments of Transportation will have a public meeting to request input into the Atlanta to Chattanooga High Speed Ground Transportation Study. The study is part of the ongoing process to determine the environmental impact and feasibility of a high speed rail between Chattanooga and Atlanta.

For more information about the meeting call 404-699-4437 or email

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